Sri Lanka Insurance (SALIC), together with Ministry of Education launched the Official Video Guide for Schools and Educational Institutes to help raise awareness on controlling and prevention of COVID-19.
The ‘Good Practice For a Healthy Future ‘official video guideline was developed in line with the circular and the guidelines issued by the Ministry of Education according to the instructions and directions of the health authorities to ensure that all students, teachers and staff members contribute towards maintaining a safe school environment.
The official handing over of the video guide took place on August 4, at the Ministry of Education with the presence of Secretary of the Ministry of Education N.H.M. Chithrananda, State Secretary Ranjith Chandrasekara, the Directress of Health and Nutrition Renuka Peiris and SLIC Chairman Jagath Wellawatta.
The CDs containing the video guide has been distributed among the schools island wide and the trilingual videos are available to watch on Sri Lanka Insurance official Youtube channel and Facebook page.
SLIC as the national insurer has been in the forefront to assist the national program in prevention of spreading Covid 19 and the contribution towards the development of the video guide is another initiative to safeguard the school community of Sri Lanka.