Wednesday, August 19, 2020

“SL Marine industry can be developed on par with global players”

Sri Lankan Marine and Offshore Engineering industry can be developed on par with global players in shipbuilding, Marine engineering and offshore construction.

This would require collective action and support from the industry stakeholders and the Sri Lankan government and Sri Lankan missions abroad, Dr. Sarath Obeysekera, Chairman of Sri Lanka Export Development Board’s (EDB) Advisory Forum on Marine and Offshore Engineering and CEO of Walkers Colombo Shipyard owned by MTD Walkers said.

Addressing a webinar organised by the EDB under the theme ‘Marine and Offshore Engineering Sector’, Obeysekera pointed out the strategic location of Sri Lanka and the absence of a marine hub between Dubai and Singapore as a decisive and enticing factor. He also urged that Sri Lanka needs to utilise its unique position to take this emerging, timely business to showcase Sri Lanka as one of the best and reliable Marine and Offshore Engineering Services in the world. He said further that Sri Lanka possesses some key criteria to win the lay-up business opportunities from international vessel owners for short, mid and long-term lay-ups as well. He said Sri Lankan service providers are equipped with all critical engineering, vessel husbandry, crew management, bunkering, repairs, servicing, inspection and certification, etc to cater all kinds of lay-ups.

Sri Lanka already has 100% Sri Lankan own companies able to provide all the lay-up services to international marine assets with experience and good track record, he noted.

“Sri Lanka is sheltered from open seas such as Trincomalee Port and Inner Anchorage and Hambantota. Moreover, other key criteria to win the lay up businesses are minimal tidal currents, good holding grounds for anchors , Easy access to airports for crew change and 5 and 4 star hotel facilities. Sri Lankan lay-up locations such as Trincomalee, Hambantota, etc are located closer to major shipping routes enabling quick reactivation when business commences.” Obeysekera said.

The Marine and Offshore Engineering Industry focuses on catering to the demand for oil rig repair, modifications , maintenance ,conversion of tankers and ships to FPSO ( Floating Production Storage and Offloading ) , oil field equipment supply, manufacturing and servicing.

It also comprises building of offshore support vessels or chartering offshore supply vessels, providing cold and hot oil rig lay ups during this post Covid -lean period in oil exploration, establishment of Engineering and Consultancy companies with local and foreign participation.



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