Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Exterminators successful battle against COVID-19

Marlon Ferreira - Founder/Managing Director - The Exterminators (Pvt) Ltd

The Exterminators (Pvt) Ltd lead the way in Sri Lanka and the world by being proactive during the COVID-19 pandemic, while focusing on the triple bottom-line concept under the theme ‘If not now - When’.

The Exterminators (Pvt) Ltd was re-certified as Asia’s 1st ‘Carbon Neutral’ pest control company in June 2020 for the sixth consecutive year and became the world’s first Anti-Microbial Disinfection service provider to be certified ‘Carbon Neutral’ in July 2020 by the ‘The Sustainable Future Group’. At Exterminators we will not compromise our commitment towards our planet under any circumstances. Salary of all staff at Exterminators was increased by 10-20% while the Directors have taken a pay cut of 42%. Four company used bikes were gifted to the ‘Exterminators High-Risk COVID Team’ and the work force was increased by 13% since May 2020.

The Exterminators (Pvt) Ltd will be reducing 5% from the agreed contract price for all existing service contracts for a period of 12 months and special discounted rates and flexible payment plans will be offered for new business.

‘We were there during challenging times and we will certainly be there during good times’. In this unprecedented situation due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we at the Exterminators strategically decided to be proactive and take on the battle against COVID-19 to help the community when they needed us the most. Under the ‘Battle Covid 19’ project we disinfected 71 elders’ homes, 29 police stations, 15 religious institutes and South Asia’s tallest tower ‘Lotus Tower’ and many public properties free of charge by traveling over 5,000 kms through-out the island since March 15.

Zero COVID-19 cases are reported from any place disinfected by Exterminators as at July 28, 2020. Marlon Ferreira Founder/Managing Director stated “On a deeply personal level and as people with great respect for the environment and humanity, we believe it is our moral obligation to do it right, do it well and to do it when its needed most, rather than waiting for things to happen we made things happen.” For further details, please contact us on 0117760760 or visit

