Sunday, August 16, 2020


CNCI Chairman, Ruwan Edirisinghe

The Ceylon National Chamber of Industries (CNCI), congratulates Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa on his fabulous victory at the Parliamentary Election 2020.

They also extended their warm felicitations to all the newly appointed Cabinet and State Ministers and congratulated them for their election as Members of Parliament with a historical victory.

People in the country have agreed and accepted the economic policies through Visions of Prosperity and Splendour presented by His Excellency the President. CNCI Chairman said that many industries in the country couldn’t perform well during the last four years due to various reasons, which has been aggravated by the Covid-19 impact.

Reviving and developing the domestic industries need government support. We should thank the Government for offering financial assistance at low interest rates and proper guidance as short term economic strategies to overcome the immediate issues faced by the industries during the peak time of Covid-19 impact.

Our country needs a stable macro-economic environment for smooth moving of the economy with low inflation and sustained positive economic growth. He emphasized the requirement of policies to be in place to protect and encourage the domestic industries while pinpointing the importance of having sustainable and long term policies especially for tax and duty structures to boost the confidence of the entrepreneurial community.

Similarly, the country has many inventors and people in various circles with innovative abilities. If there is a platform for new product opportunities with R&D facilities, their knowledge can be used for producing high-tech and innovative products, which is the need of the hour.

We appreciate the new Government’s vision in creating the ministerial portfolio covering all the socio economic segments with limited heads to the positions. We are also very happy to witness a separate Ministry for Industries and are hopeful of a conducive and protective environment for local industries for existence, development and new emergence.

