The Ceylon Chamber of Commerce (CCC) recently held an informative webinar on the Best Corporate Citizens Award 2020, along with the evaluation panel to brief prospective applicants on the information required to apply for the awards and to guide them on submitting applications. Participants also received an opportunity to clarify any ambiguities with the panel members.
The expert panel informed the applicants on the criteria and process of applying for the competition.
The benefits of the competition, and its focal areas were further discussed under Environment, Employee Relations, Customer Relations, Community Relations, Governance, Financial Performance and Economic Contribution, and Best Projects Sustainability Awards.
The participants were welcomed by Manjula De Silva, Secretary General & CEO of the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce and an overall briefing was carried out by Dr. Ananda Mallawatantri, Chairman of the Panel of Evaluators. The respective evaluators conducted descriptive overviews for each of the aspects of sustainability.
A plethora of awards have been lined up to recognize best performers in corporate sustainability initiatives in Sri Lanka, ranging from the Best Corporate Citizen Sustainability Award 2020, Top ten corporates, Category awards, Sector awards to top performers for key sectors of the economy and The Best Presented Application.
In addition to the Best Corporate Sustainability Award 2020, the “Best Projects Sustainability Awards 2020”, will recognize exemplary sustainable projects carried out by companies relating to Planet (Environment) and People (such as Education, Community Services etc.). This will be an opportunity to showcase to the public your efforts to reach the wider stakeholder groups, going beyond the bottom line.
The Ceylon Chamber of Commerce will be carrying out a subsequent Question & Answer Session to provide the potential applicants an opportunity to clarify their queries in finalizing submissions and to provide in-depth knowledge on submitting a successful application on August 17, 2020.
More information could be obtained from email oshadhi@chamber.lk