Tuesday, November 5, 2019

USD 30 mn from Korea for computer assisted teaching

The Government of Republic of Korea has agreed to provide a concessional loan of USD 30 million (approximately Rs.5,460 million) to establish National Center of e-Content Development for Computer Assisted Teaching in Sri Lanka.

The objectives of the proposed project are to; Improve ICT teaching and learning environment for secondary education in Sri Lanka, enhance teachers’ ICT education capacity, and provide equal opportunity for education for every student including those living in rural areas.

The Project will be executed by the Ministry of Education (MOE). The MOE plans to expand ICT training facilities to provide education, using ICT technologies such as e-learning services and ICT training. In line with the plan, it is proposed to establish fully equipped National Contents Development Center (NCDC) in North Western Province and two Provincial ICT Education Centers (PICTEC) in Eastern and Southern Provinces.
