Sunday, November 24, 2019

Family, biggest strength in fight against diabetes

Clinic held to mark Diabetes Day

The world diabetes federation has rightly come out with the theme “Family and diabetes” on the occasion of World diabetes day that falls on the November 14, every year.

Diabetes is a non-communicable disease that takes away the energy, enthusiasm and liveliness in a person. It constantly haunts the sufferer laying restrictions on his movement, lifestyle and diet. Diabetes also affects almost all the organs of the human body such as the skin, eyes, heart, limbs, kidneys etc.

Diabetes can shorten the life span and cripple life. But let’s not despair, because there is hope and a plenty of it.Diabetes can be prevented, managed, cured and reversed through today’s knowledge and science. It just needs a little bit of effort and time from the individual and his family.

The family can help tremendously by ensuring that the food at home is healthy comprising of a good mix of fruits and vegetables and almost free from high calorie beverages and sweeteners. Atleast thirty minutes of brisk walk together will be a great work out for everyone. Less time before the television and more time outdoors, following up on hobbies and other interesting past times can cut down on stress and add peace and harmony into the lives the entire family. Regular medical checkups and timely visits to the family physician can also help prevent many complications well in advance.

Mega Lifesciences is also extremely pleased to support the fight against diabetes by introducing Ginsomin that contains Korean panax ginseng fortified with vitamins and minerals.

Ginseng is called the king of herbs and about six million Americans are supposed to consume it regularly for health and wellness.

Ginsomin can help as a supplement to prevent and treat diabetes. It has been proven to improve insulin secretion as well as the uptake of glucose into the cells of our body.

Thus, Ginsomin improves energy levels and normalizes sugar levels. Ginsomin also effectively relieves stress and improves our ability to fight infections when taken once daily, preferably after breakfast. Ginsomin is available in all leading pharmacies and supermarket outlets, island wide. Stay Super and beat diabetes and enjoy an active, energetic, strong, happy life. 
