In response to rising consumer demand for LP Gas, LAUGFS Gas PLC has doubled its supply and continues to work around the clock.
In the aftermath of the global LPG shortage following the drone attack at Saudi Aramco oil processing facilities, LAUGFS PLC experienced a brief curtailing of the LPG supply line. However, the curtailing lasted only from October 21 to 24 and the Company succeeded in doubling its supply by 26th October.
LAUGFS Gas PLC used its own three large vessels and the terminal facility in Hambantota to source LPG from countries in the Gulf region as well as other regions. The Company secured ample supplies of LPG to meet the excessive demand from consumers for the next four months.
Even though LAUGFS was able to double the supply to match the increased demand, shortages experienced by the competitor continue to further increase consumer demand for LPG. Currently, LAUGFS Gas PLC works 24 hours a day, tirelessly to optimize consumer satisfaction and effectively maintain an uninterrupted line of supply to match demand. Armed with the necessary resources and market experience, LAUGFS Gas PLC is set to maintain ‘the doubling of supply and efforts’ in the coming weeks.