Singer Fashion Academy has recently become the first Sri Lankan institute to receive ‘Validated’ status for courses from the Chartered Society of Designers (CSD), UK within CSD’s Course Endorsement Programme (CEP).
The Chartered Society of Designers UK is the world’s largest Royal chartered body of professional designers with members in 33 countries and is unique in representing designers in all disciplines. The Society is internationally recognised as the professional body for designers and authority on professional design practice.
CSD believes Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is essential for professional designers practicing in the dynamic world of design.
In keeping with this belief and within the ethos of its Course Endorsement Programme, the Society has endorsed the award of ‘CSD Validated Course’ to the Singer Fashion Academy’s; Diploma in Scientific Dress Making, Diploma in Machine Embroidery, Certificate in Basic Scientific Dress Making, Certificate in Machine Embroidery and Certificate in Saree Blouse. This validated status licence is for the next five years.
CSD Validated Course status is awarded to CPD modules, training courses and online study programmes that comply with the high standards set within CEP.
“As the first local body to receive any form of validation from CSD, the Singer Fashion Academy now offers an internationally recognised academic path for its students to scale greater heights within the global design industry,” said Asoka Pieris, Group CEO, Singer Sri Lanka.
Singer Fashion Academy students who follow a CSD Validated Course can easily apply for Student Membership status from the Society with no application or joining fee and they will also enjoy clear progression to other membership levels offered.
CSD Student Membership offers a host of benefits including credibility, networking, online portfolio, directory listing with public profile, professional development, up to date news from the design industry, etc,.
Singer Fashion Academy students also gain access to digital content such as magazines, reports, advice columns, book reviews, portfolio galleries and much more.
Helping students gain knowledge on the latest international fashion trends, the Singer Fashion Academy, has initiated and enabled access to the ‘Burda Style’, the fashion magazine of international repute, for all students.
Importantly, the Singer Fashion Academy courses are also now listed on the CSD main website providing global recognition for the local institute.
Previously, access to a globally recognised certificate in fashion and design has been limited to a few in the Colombo suburbs. However, with Singer Fashion Academy conducting classes at over 70 locations island-wide, it no longer poses a restriction for current and prospective students to enrol and benefit from CSD Validated Course status.
Inclusion in the Society’s programme also offers an advantage to all students when seeking employment as the validation enhances the status of designers locally as well as on an international stage.
“This collaboration is a significant development in our programme which seeks to establish international understanding and cultural relationships within the design sector for the benefit of the profession and society,” noted Frank Peters, CEO CSD.