George Steuart Health, the harmaceutical solutions provider in Sri Lanka has yet again proved their aspiration to deliver the finest medical care to their customers across the island by introducing Allergoff- an allergen neutralizing spray which helps treat symptoms of house dust allergens related allergies.
The innovative formula used for this revolutionary product introduced by ICB Pharma Poland, helps relieve symptoms ofhouse dust allergies and asthma and prevents disease progression while offering additional protection against contraction of allergies for both children and adults.
Designed to reduce exposure to allergens present in house dust, Allergoff has a dual action whereby it neutralizes the pathogenic effect of the allergen and reduces risk of inhalation by binding dust particles and lowering concentrations of allergens in inhaled air.
Asthma iscaused as a result of airway inflammation resulting in wheezing, breathlessness, coughing, sneezing and chest tightness, which when severe, can lead to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Popular culprits include allergens such as dust, mites, mold, dander, pollen, fur and smoke.
Studies conducted by Prof. Neelika Malavige attached to the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the Sri Jayewardenepura University, show that the house dust-mite is liable for about 80% of asthma and allergic rhinitis patients and about 30% of patients are allergic to indoor mold.
Sri Lanka ranks #20 across the globe in incidents of asthma, showing a 50% increase in the last decade with an estimated 2 million reported cases.
The mortality rate stands at 13.98% per annum, accounting for approximately 3000 deaths (Department of Census and Statistics).
Although Sri Lanka did not possess an effective management plan for Asthma in 2014, a budget of 140million was allocated in the year 2015 and currently, immunotherapy is the only treatmentavailable for respiratory allergies.
Allergoff, the breakthrough solution in house allergy management, has been voted ‘Product of the Year’ for two consecutive years and ‘Discovery 2013’ (Poland). Allergoff is highly recommended for use in apartments, hospitals, hotels, offices, carpets, mattresses, pillows, rugs, curtains, soft toys, upholstered furniture and vehicle interiors. The environment friendly product contains no propellant, passes dermatology and toxicity tests and is certified safe for useby the National Institute of Public Health (Poland).Available as a 300ml spray, the package is sufficient to cover up to 40m3. Allergoff spray is marketed and distributed in Sri Lanka by George Steuart Health (Pvt) Ltd. Visit for more information.