Tuesday, January 31, 2017

NITF enters into an affiliation with Lanka Hospitals for seventh consecutive year

Nuwanthi Gunewardena Manager Legal, Lanka Hospitals, Thanujaya Gunasekara  Assistant Manager Marketing, Lanka Hospitals, Nimal Rathnayake Chief Marketing Officer, Lanka Hospitals , Dr. Prasad Medawatte  Group Chief  Executive Officer, Lanka Hospitals, Lanka Hospitals and Diagnostics, Sanath C De Silva  Chief Executive Officer, NITF, Manjula De Silva  Chairman NITF, Anura Samarakoon Assistant Manager, Agrahara, Nimali Perera Manager Branch Supervision and Udari Ranhotigamage Assistant Manager, Legal.

Lanka Hospitals and the National Insurance Trust Fund (NITF) for the 7th consecutive year, entered into an affiliation offering government employees access to high quality private healthcare services at affordable costs.

All public sector employees are automatically entitled to NITF’s health insurance scheme titled Agrahara. The affiliation between the NITF and Lanka Hospitals will eventually make high expenditure private medical treatment like Heart bypass (CABG) and kidney surgery, hip and knee replacement surgeries more affordable to all public sector employees covered under this scheme.

Lanka Hospitals, in its 7th year into the affiliation with NITF, is the pioneer and the preferred hospital by Agrahara insurance policy holders in Sri Lanka.

