A livelihood program to produce clay handicraft products for residents living in the Uhana DS division of the Ampara district at Senagama village has been introduced .
Under this programme, Uhana, Senagama Clay handicraft Women Federation members are greatly benefited. The UNDP has allocated a huge sum for this project.
The main objective is to raise the standard of living of the people, purchase of machinery to make clay objects, and also to help the sale of articles . Under this programme, clay lamps, clay pans for boiling milk and for the domestic use such as ornamental cookeries etc will be produced.
This will increase the production and the National Design Centre has given a course of training. In pursues to this training course given to them, the villagers will be able to make their own implements and apparatus.At the Gateway to East Batticaloa ‘Trade Fair -2016’, the biggest exhibition and sale for two days organized by Batticaloa District Chamber of Commerce and Industry very recently these productions were exhibited for sale. All the members of this women federation were able to dispose their production very easily.
The profit accrued at the first year is assessed at 20 percent and in the second year it went up to 45 percent and at the end of third year it reached 73 percent.