Monday, December 5, 2016

NZ PM resigns leaving a strong economy

New Zealand Prime Minister, John Key has announced his resignation in an unexpected move, saying it is the “right time” to step down and he is leaving on his own terms. Key said he would vote for his Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister, Bill English, to take over. He said there was no way he could have served out a full fourth term, citings family reasons for his departure, and did not want to mislead the public.

“I gave it everything I had,” he said. Key said the decision was also about making room for new talent. Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said the resignation would be a loss to New Zealand and the world.

“John Key is one of the most outstanding national leaders in the world today. He has done an extraordinary job for New Zealand.” “He is leaving the economy in very strong state. The budget is in surplus, economic growth is strong,” he said. “That is due to the outstanding leadership John has shown. He has been a very influential player on the world stage. (ABC News)

