Thursday, October 7, 2021

NCE expresses dismay over CBSL claim

The National Chamber of Exporters (NCE) yesterday raised their objection and disappointment to the Central Bank on the claim that ‘exports are not putting out their money’.

This statement was made during the announcement of the ‘ Six-Month Road Map for Ensuring Macroeconomic and Financial System Stability’ , by Governor CBSL who blamed exporters for ‘hoarding’ foreign currency earnings. In a special press conference yesterday Chairman NCE, Ravi Jayawardena said that this in general is not true and this comment is taken by exporters as a major negative statement towards them. “We have sacrificed a lot and we are the current forex earner to Sri Lana and instead of egging on the exporters, negative sentiments of this nature are very disappointing.”

He also said that the shortage of containers, rising freight costs were also other issues they face. “In addition the lowering of the USD from 230 to 205 has also created issues for exporters.”

This is obviously a discriminatory treatment of exporters and disincentive to the export sector. NCE Secretary General Shiham Marikar said that this statement has even trickled down to tea pluckers who ask if this is true. Asked if the Mattala Airport (MRIA) could be used as a cargo hub, Chairman NCE, Ravi Jayawardena said that there are some plans in this regard which is very encouraging. “MRIA cargo facilities are improving and there is a move to have cargo operations form Mattala.’ (SS)

