Monday, October 11, 2021

Govt. should empower local milk powder manufacturers - NMCP

Ranjith Withanage

The National Movement for Consumer Rights Protection (NMCRP) lashed out at milk importers and called them a bunch of Sherlock’s and also accused the government of being lenient on them. Chairman NMCRP Ranjith Withanage said that while the country was craving for milk powder the stocks were lying ideal in the port and the importers were waiting for a price revision, taking the country for ransom.

“These importers held in high stature in the corporate sector acted worse than cheap modalities waiting for their pound of flesh.”

He said it’s true that a price revision was needed but to obtain it in this ‘thuggery manner’ is highly irresponsible and should be condemned. People were helpless in this regard.

Withanage said that this is the time that the government should come forward and take Sri Lanka towards self-sufficiency in milk production by egging on local milk powder manufacturers to put these importers out of business. He also said that the government which raided paddy millers for keeping paddy was toothless to intervene and either confiscate the imports lying at the port or take some other measures.

He also said that the Litro Gas which was in scarcity is now suddenly available in the market after the record price hike of over Rs. 1,200 for a 12.5 KG cylinder.

“We are also made to understand that Laugfs has asked for a further price hike and I cannot see how the same imported LPG can have two price structures and should not be allowed.”

He also said rules should be brought to allow users to obtain instant refunds for their cylinders enabling them to switch between the two players.

“I also can understand the logic behind the government who has introduced several gazettes on price controls not introducing legislation to allow any gas player to fill any gas cylinder as technically it could be done. For a small country like Sri Lanka we don’t need two colors of gas.’

Meanwhile, commenting on the issue a senior official from Ceylon National Chamber of Industries said that the issue for all this is the lack of a proper pricing formularity.

“The government must formulate one which will not only help to keep highly demanded items like milk and gas in the market but also ensure the public a reduction of prices in line with global price fluctuations.”
