Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Vallibel Finance donates ventilators to Health sector to combat Covid-19

Officials from Vallibel Finance hands the donation to Dr. Chandana Kandangamuwa, Deputy Director, Kurunegala Teaching Hospital.

Vallibel Finance, donates two Hamilton C3 model mechanical ventilators of high quality costing over Rs. 10.00 mn. manufactured in Switzerland to the Neurology Unit of the Kurunegala Teaching Hospital. This donation was made in support of the national efforts to treat people infected by Covid-19.

The official donation was graced by DGM Branch Operation and Business Development Lakshman Wanniarachchie, Chief Manager Dinesh Siriwardena, Chief Manager, Kurunegala Asinil Perera with other senior staff members from head office and Vallibel Finance, Kurunegala Branch staff together with Dr. Chandana Kandangamuwa, Deputy Director representing Kurunegala Teaching Hospital.

“Vallibel Finance is privileged to offer the support to the health sector in order to combat Covid-19 pandemic by strengthening the availability of medical facilities.

We thank the efforts made by the health sector, tri-forces, police and other front-line activist for their contribution provided to control the spread of the COVID-19 virus”, said Jayantha S.B. Rangamuwa, Managing Director of Vallibel Finance. “He further expressed that, Vallibel Finance is intent to donate more to strengthening the availability of medical facilities in order to facilitate to battle against the current pandemic situation in Sri Lanka.”

“We highly appreciate the contribution made by Vallibel Finance at this critical juncture and undoubtedly these ventilators will help combat the Covid-19 patients” said Dr. Chandana Kandangamuwa, Deputy Director, Kurunegala Teaching Hospital.

Vallibel Finance is privileged to offer its support to the health sector at a time in need, to combat the Covid-19 pandemic by strengthening the availability of medical facilities for the general public, particularly in and around Wayamba province.


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