HNB Finance PLC announced the appointment of Kovinda Gimnada Perera to the company’s Board of Directors, as a non-independent, non-executive director, effective from 10th December 2020.
Perera joins the HNBF Board of Directors filling the vacant non-independent, non-executive director position of former Deputy Chairman & non-independent, non-executive director Premalal Brahmanage who recently retired in term of Finance Companies (Corporate Governance) Direction of Central Bank of Sri Lanka after serving 9 years on the board.
Perera a graduate from the prestigious Imperial College of London, is a highly qualified strategist, who has demonstrated experience in the fields of real estate, financial projection and bespoke investment advisory.
He is currently the Head of Strategy and Business development at Prime Group, Sri Lanka’s foremost real estate conglomerate. He is also actively involved in the group’s foreign market arena where he plays a pivotal role in consultation.