Wednesday, November 11, 2020

ZILLIONe sponsors ERP licenses for Colombo University

University of Colombo and Zillion Business Solutions officials exchanging the sponsorship agreement

Due to the surging demand and popularity for ERP and the need to prepare the graduates for the job market, University of Colombo (UOC) has taken initiatives to introduce ‘ERP’ as a module into the final year degree program curriculum of students of the Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Colombo.

In response, ZILLIONe Business Solutions in partnership with Sage took the initiative to sponsor ERP licenses for the training lab and facilitate ERP training to the final year students on the instructors of the Faculty of Management and Finance of University of Colombo.

Empowering them to utilize this opportunity to upskill ERP as a knowledge and practice, ZILLIONe has offered ERP licenses to UOC completely free of charge. The official handing over of the software license to the vice chancellor of University of Colombo was held recently at the University of Colombo premises.

In the advent of digitization and automation, processes and functions are fully computerized, and the outdated traditional methods were left behind. While the internet and the computer has revolutionized the way businesses operate, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) has set different standards and automated the business protocols making it much simpler and easier. Companies grow and evolve, so does their systems and processes. ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) has become a binding requirement to many companies today, regardless of the size and type of business.

Established in 1979, ZILLIONe is a leading enterprise technology solutions provider with strong in-house development capabilities and exceptional global partnerships with renowned technology brands. Over a span of nearly 40 years, ZILLIONe has served over 400+ clients from different industries across the world. ZILLIONe also has over 30 years of strong expertise in ERP comprising of well experienced staff who identify and deliver the best solutions to the customers.

The University of Colombo, with over 115 years of history, is the oldest state universities in Sri Lanka, comprising 9 faculties with 56 academic departments, a campus, a school, 7 institutes, and 8 centers and units. Many undergraduate and postgraduate study courses in the fields of Arts, Science, Medicine, Management, Finance, Law, Education, IT, Aesthetic Studies. Molecular Biology etc. are being conducted by the University.

More importantly, University of Colombo has been an honored customer of ZILLIONe using Sage 300 ERP solution for over 14 years.



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