Monday, October 12, 2020

Seaweed yoghurt by undergraduate student

Anne Deluxy

Anne Deluxy a student of Horizon Campus studying for her BSc. Degree in Biotechnology garnered attention in the Asian Region when she presented her invention of a new yoghurt product enriched with seaweeds.

The invention

Although seaweeds are abundantly found in the coastal areas of Sri Lanka and are rich in nutrients like protein, fibre and essential fatty acids; there is only limited evidence of using them as an ingredient in commercial food products, especially in popular food items like yoghurt. Anne incorporated one of these seaweed species into yoghurt and found that the nutritional levels of yoghurt can be enhanced when compared to the yoghurt products commercially available in the Sri Lankan market, especially with the considerable amounts of fibre and Omega-3 essential fatty acids contained within the product. This enriched yoghurt product invented by Anne can be presented as a “functional food” and a commercially viable product that has a market potential

The achievements

Anne has presented her research findings at “Asia-Pacific Conference on Multidisciplinary Research under the area of “Physical and Life Science” was awarded the second place for the Best Oral Presentation.

Anne who now works as a food analyst as an intern in a leading tea manufacturing company in Sri Lanka has applied for the patent for her invention and is continuing her work on her invention on optimizing the consistency and taste of the product with the expectation that a commercial partner will become available to bring it to market.

Outlining her experience in producing her invention Anne said “The experience I gained through embarking on this project has proved to be invaluable. It helped me learn about food regulations, food safety, what is applicable and the process of research applied in food invention. I know these learnings will be crucial that will help in the betterment of my career as a food analyst “.

The Dean of the Faculty of Science at Horizon Campus stated “this recognition continues a strong tradition of the success that Horizon Campus science graduates have experienced in both national and international forums over the last several years. We are very proud of Anne’s accomplishment. We will continue our quest in providing the best level of knowledge and opportunity for our students so that they will have the ability to become leading investors and researchers in the field of science and help to fill the talent gap in this sphere in the country.”


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