Wednesday, September 2, 2020

EDB, Foreign Ministry to help increase export revenue

The Export Development Board (EDB) and the Foreign Ministry are working closely to increase the country’s export revenue and mitigate the negative impact of the COVID 19 pandemic on the export industry.

Sri Lanka’s export income which stood at US $ 277 million in April 2020 has increased to US$ 1,090 million in July and is projected to grow in the coming months.

There are several joint initiatives taken by the EDB and the Foreign Ministry to enhance exports.

This includes identifying new market opportunities, creating awareness by disseminating market alerts, addressing supply chain issues, enhancing capacity building through webinars, and creating business linkages to support existing exporters to sustain their exports.

During the COVID 19 lockdown which began in late March, Sri Lanka’s Missions and Posts overseas continued to share updates and developments relevant to the markets they covered. These updates included available market opportunities as well as changes to trade and policy regulations during the pandemic which enabled Sri Lanka’s exporters to adapt accordingly.

The functioning of this mechanism also enabled Sri Lanka’s exporters to share their supply capability information with buyers swiftly, via the Foreign Ministry and its network of overseas Missions. The export opportunities that were identified and made use of in this manner related in particular to face masks, protective gowns, PPE, rubber gloves, hand sanitizers, tea and food products.

EDB being the facilitator for Sri Lankan exporters made efficient arrangements to circulate market updates rapidly among exporters via email and its website, and made use of IT based solutions to connect exporters and importers by organizing a series of webinars in collaboration with foreign trade chambers with the assistance of Sri Lanka’s Missions overseas.

Although lockdowns are easing in several countries including Sri Lanka, the EDB and the Foreign Ministry continue to collaborate with the assistance and support of the network of Sri Lanka Missions overseas to connect buyers and sellers virtually, assessing and responding to market trends.

Virtual trade fairs and displays in year-long virtual shopping malls are being considered as alternative ways to physical trade fairs to link exporters with potential overseas buyers.

With the objective of assisting SMEs in Sri Lanka under the concept of “One Village One Product”, EDB and the Foreign Ministry are coordinating with Sri Lanka Missions overseas on attracting investments from migrated Sri Lankans.

Since the Government has set a revised target of US$ 10.75 billion exports for 2020 further steps will be taken to work closely with other relevant local partners as well as partner nations and organizations to explore new opportunities and utilization of technology.


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