Sunday, December 8, 2019

Nithyakalyani carries out beach cleaning campaign, again

Wellawatta Nithyakalyani Jewellery, engaged in their regular CSR activity of cleaning up the beach of Wellawatta recently.

An exemplary activity pointing out the importance of keeping the environment clean was successfully carried out in collaboration with Wellawatta Police, Rotaract Club of Wellawatta and the Interact Club of St. Peter’s College.

The beach clean- up activity was conducted on December 1along the Wellawatta beach stretch, where around 75 plus participants from Nithyakalyani and the general public joined hands for this worthy initiative that was appreciated by many. Commenting on the annual CSR activity, A. P. Jayarajah, CEO of Wellawatta Nithyakalyani Jewellery said, “In an era that global attention is unprecedentedly focused on environment protection and the corporate sector is aiming at sustainable development, we also engage in environment clean-up activities. Like in 2018, many people supported us to clean the beach this time. Beautiful stretches of beach are an invaluable asset to Sri Lanka.

Thousands of foreign tourists come here to experience the beauty of our beaches every year. Therefore it is the responsibility of us all to keep the beaches clean and beautiful.”

Highlights of the event

