Sunday, December 15, 2019

Minister Johnston to take steps on malpractices of scanning process

Minister of Roads & Highways, Ports and Shipping Johnston Fernando recently expressed views on malpractices of the scanning process being carried out.

“We experienced a collapse in the container scanning process recently thus I inspected the process. Following the visit I learnt it is compulsory to carry out a scanning process on containers but it should be regulated up to the international standard. Unless this process will obstructs the daily routine of the port resulting to a big traffic plus inefficient service.

As a consequence of my direct intervention in this regard as the minister some are slinging mud at me. But such things are ineffective on me because my intention is to serve the country and to do the right thing.”

“Now it has been revealed that the previous government had assisted the installation project of this scanning machine as they receive dollars in return. It was revealed that the Central Bank had given the financial assistance to purchase this equipment via allocating a sum of 3,000 million rupees. No foreign country has assisted the purchasing process of this machine. I have taken all possible steps to sort out this scanning process to attain more effective and efficient results, maximizing the rate of scanning, in a way that Sri Lanka Ports Authority could earn profit,” the minister added.

“This company is charging USD 12 to scan a single container and Customs receives USD 2, out of that amount. But this company has been failing to make any payment for SLPA in this regard. It is revealed that out of remaining 10 dollars a politician is being gifted with 4 dollars. I have made a complaint to Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa in this regard. And also I have instructed relevant officials to investigate this issue and to uncover offenders relates to this.”
