Wednesday, December 11, 2019

BOC runners–up at Association of Compliance Officers quiz 2019

A.T. Kumarawadu (team leader) receives the award for the 1st runner-up from J.P.R. Karunaratne Deputy Governor of CBSL. Other members of the winning team A.M.K.P. Adhikari, L.S. Gamlath, G.P. De Silva and S.K. Liyanage is in the picture

Bank of Ceylon’s quiz team became 1st runners-up at the inaugural Compliance quiz organized by the Association of Compliance Officers of Banks in Sri Lanka (ACOB) at its quiz themed ‘Compliance at the Speed of Thought’.

The event was held on November 1, at Kings Court, Cinnamon Lakeside, Colombo as a part of ACOB’s stakeholder initiative for 2019.

Dr. Indrajith Coomaraswamy Governor of Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL) was the Chief Guest of the event. J.P.R Karunaratne Assistant Governor of CBSL, T.M.J.Y.P Fernando Assistant Governor of CBSL, D.M. Rupasinghe Director Financial Intelligent Unit (FIU) of CBSL and other distinguish guests representing the Banks and Central Bank graced this occasion. Dr. Chandranath Amarasekara, Additional Director Economic Research Department of CBSL was the Quiz Master for the Compliance Quiz.

The competition was open to all Licensed Commercial Banks and Licensed Specialised Banks in Sri Lanka. 26 teams representing 24 banks competed against each other for the trophy. Two quiz teams from Bank of Ceylon (BOC) participated in the event. After an intense competition Bank of Ceylon (BOC) team headed by A.T. Kumarawadu became the 1st Runners up with just one point separating them from the winners. The team consisted of A.T. Kumarawadu (team leader) from Compliance Department of the Bank, AMKP Adhikari (Compliance Department), L.S. Gamlath (Compliance Compliance Department), G.P. De Silva (MIS Department) and S.K. Liyanage (Trade Promotion Division). This team also became winners at several rounds demonstrating the unstinted commitment, agility and organizing skills of the team members.

The Quiz consisted of five rounds of which three rounds were dedicated to regulatory aspects and two rounds to Current Affairs, Sports and Entertainment. Questions on the regulatory rounds included laws, rules and regulations coming under the purview of the Bank Supervision Department, Department of Foreign Exchange and the Financial Intelligence Unit. 
