Wednesday, September 4, 2019

eMarketingEye conducts insightful workshops for Hospitality Industry

Experts from eMarketingEye and Google conducting insightful sessions on Digital Marketing

eMarketingEye (, the award-winning Sri Lankan Digital Marketing Agency and a pioneer in the industry, recently conducted a series of insightful digital marketing workshops exclusively for the hospitality industry, entitled “Harnessing the Power of Digital Marketing for Hospitality”, in collaboration with Google.

This workshop marked the introduction of the series that is yet to unfold by the newly-launched eme Digital Academy.

The workshop was held on August 20-21, at the eMarketingEye new Head Office with an extremely successful turnout of more than 120 participants over the three days. The workshop was designed exclusively for Hotels, Tour Companies, Airlines and Destination Management Companies looking to effectively improve their Digital Visibility and Distribution Strategy. The sessions covered subjects such as Sri Lanka Travel in Search, Converging Traveller’s Purchase Journey through Digital, Future Proofing your Marketing with Google and Measuring Digital Presence, offering EME insights and findings.

Conducted by experts from eMarketingEye and Google, the workshops provided the audience with latest industry insights on how to maximise revenue from digital marketing. They embraced a variety of Digital Marketing topics related to SEO, PPC, Social Media, Measurement and using Google products for branding and awareness creation; along with the latest industry trends and updates, backed up with case studies and interactive Q&A sessions. Theoverall workshop was a notable success, with splendid comments from the participants on the insightful and valuable information they received. Beyond the upcoming workshops, the eme Digital Academy plans to expand the workshops in collaborationwith key partners to reach out to audiences across other industries in Sri Lanka and overseas.

Rajitha Dahanayake, CEO, eMarketingEye, stated expressively, “It was refreshing to see the high participation and eagerness of all our participants for these perceptive workshops. The feedback was extremely positive and it was evident that many individuals benefited from the insights that they received.Through these workshops we aimed to uplift our audience by offering guidance on how to best utilize Digital Marketing to maximize their revenue. We sawraised engagement of the participants, especially at the casual networking session that followed the workshop, where they interacted immensely with the professionals and sought advice to their concerns. ”

A casual networking session followed the two and a half-hour long workshop, in which eMarketingEye featured several product and service corners that provided more information and insights to the hospitality audience on how to maximize their digital marketing activities and revenue. It also offered enhanced opportunities for the professionals in the industry to network intensively with each other. The audience showed great engagement and enthusiasm at the networking session.Inventively, eMarketingEye also generated a Digital Quiz Corner, where all participants could actively engage in interactive quizzes to test their knowledge in digital marketing.

Established in 2007, the agency has grown to be one of the best in the Asian region over the past 12 years, having gained international recognition for its expertise in providing end-to-end digital marketing solutions to the Travel and Hospitality industry. The company is a Google Premier Partner specialising in Search, Mobile, Video and Display. In addition to being a Google Premier Partner, the company is Sri Lanka’s first Google Marketing Platform Partner certified in Search Ads 360 and Analytics, one of the first in the South East Asian region to earn this prestigious recognition.



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