Sunday, September 1, 2019

ACCA Sri Lanka appoints new board

The President and committee of ACCA

ACCA Sri Lanka appointed, Suren Rajakarier, Partner, Head of Audit and People Learning and Development, KPMG Sri Lanka, as the Chairman, ACCA Sri Lanka Member Network Panel, for the year 2019/2020 at the ACCA Annual General Meeting held recently at the Cinnamon Grand in Colombo.

Rajakarier who has been instrumental in carrying out a wide variety of audit, regulatory, compliance and due diligence engagements, in Sri Lanka, UK, Oman, Dubai and Maldives, is an ACCA Fellow Member, who was awarded the National Advocate of the Year 2018 by ACCA . He was also awarded the Regional Advocate of the year 2018/19 for the MESA region by ACCA UK.

In his role as Head of Learning and Development, he was instrumental in KPMG being the first firm to get the platinum status recognition as an approved employer by ACCA in 2007 for training and professional development and in retaining this recognition with ACCA UK up to date.

The committee for the year 2019/2020 includes Nandika Buddhipala – Vice Chairman, Committee members, Nisreen Rehmanjee, Channa De Silva, Jehan Perinpanayagam, Thilina Ukwatte, Thumilan Sivarajah, Ayoma Peiris and Dananjaya Dayananda.

The annual report of the year 2018/ 2019 was presented, outlining noteworthy achievements. In 2018/2019 ACCA activities focused on delivering one strategic priority: To maximize the global impact of the ACCA Qualification – working with ACCA partners, members and future members to deliver ACCAs promise and to ensure shared success. ACCAs vision also recognizes, ACCA’s critical role to shape and lead the profession. Through the global network of members, future members and partners, ACCA delivered value to the public by acting in the public interest, promoting ethical business and by supporting economic growth​​​. ACCA’s aim is to produce fully fledged professionals by connecting the dots between Students, Employers and ALP’s.

ACCA Sri Lanka’s focus for 2019-20 again will be in working together to deliver one strategic priority, that of shaping and leading the accountancy profession by building greater market adoption, delivering member value and acting in the public interest.
