Edward & Christie celebrated its 40th anniversary at Water’s Edge Battaramulla on June 21.
The company also announced its plans to expand into the aviation industry by forming its new company Edward & Christie Aviation,to the distinguished invitees at the 40th anniversary celebrations. The long serving staff of Edward& Christie were also honoured with the presentation of awards.
Charita Arawwela ,Directress, SarathMunasingha, Director-Construction, Newton Perera, Assistant General Manager, Inoka de Silva, Procurement Manager,Dharshana Harath, Senior Account Executive, Chamila Welarathna, Logistics Officer, ThanujaMohottala, Guantity Surveyor ,Eranga Perera, Senior Accounts Executive and Vijitha Bandara, Quarry Manager were presented the awards. A special honorary award was presented to Christie Arawwela, Chairman and Managing Director of Edward & Christie Group of Companies for the splendid leadership provided by him.
Christie Arawwela, Chairman and Managing Director of Edward & Christie Group expressing his views said during four decades by contributing to several national projects the company in the construction field had been victorious on land and now had begun the operation to conquer the air. Due to such virtues of hounesty, dedication and delivering on time, by today the Group had achieved huge success amid various challenges. He expressed his gratitude to the staff members who were behind the success.
Edward & Christie (Pvt) Ltd, which was inaugurated in 1979 by Edward and Christy (father and son) as a family business, by now has grown into huge Group consisting of five companies.
The company has received the highest rating a construction company can achieve and have also received the ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 local and international certifications. Under guidance of the Board of Directors, Nirmala Arawwela, Charitha Arawwela, Ravishanth Madappuli, Sarath Munasinghe and Sampath Ekanayaka, over 1,500 skilled employees are employed at the Edward & Christie Group of Companies.
Edward & Christie Company which showed it prowess and excellence in the construction field by receiving National Construction Award consecutively for two years is contributing to several large scale projects which expedite the national development process.