The motivational program, MIND 1ST conducted by corporate trainer, Venura Perera will be held on March 17 at BMICH Nugasevana Hall from 8 30 am to 12 noon. It would be conducted in both English and Sinhala.
The mind is the most powerful tool and weapon that humans possess, can be used to help you attain success or it can take you to the depths of failure,” said Venura Perera.
“You must learn and train to use your mind to its optimal level if you want to live life on a new level. The mind is the key to success. Become the master of your mind or it shall rule you.”
He said that this program is ideal enhance leadership skills of employees in the corporate sector.
“What you think about is what you will bring about into your life, you must see yourself as who you want to become. So think thoughts of success and go confidently in the direction of your dreams and know that you have what it takes. The mind is everything. What you think you become,” he said.
Perera is involved in corporate training has a realistic and a challenging capability to provide training on sales and a marketing and various other disciplines. He also delivers services on various disciplines including sales force training (SELL to WIN), customer service training, time management, stress management, presentations and communication, team building, psychological training memory training, and counseling, attitude changes, leadership, train trainers, teachers training, public speaking and motivation among others.
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