The Institute of Certified Management Accountants of Sri Lanka (CMA) will conduct a seminar on ‘Fraud Risk Management on Tuesday, April 3, 2018 from 9.00 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. at the Kingsbury, Colombo.
The objective of this seminar is to enhance awareness of fraud risks that are prevalent in the current corporate environment, and the ways and means by which these risks may be managed.
The seminar will focus on an overview of fraud, the red flags (or indicators of fraud) that go unnoticed and the fraud risks therein. Participants will be coached on how to recognize such risks and the manner in which to respond once a suspicion of fraud has been raised.
Procedures related to Whistleblowing, Risk management frameworks and anti-fraud policies will be discussed, all with the use of recent fraud cases.
The presentation will be delivered by Averil Ludowyke, Partner EY. The content of the seminar will include tailored case study examples and activities delivered in a group setting, which will be facilitated by Jude Delakshan, Manager, and Mr. Shihaaz Nilafdeen, Senior Executive of the Fraud Investigation and Dispute Services of Ernst & Young.
The seminar will conclude with a question and answer session where participants will also have an opportunity to discuss practical applications.
The seminar is open for Members of CMA, CEOs, Finance Directors, CFOs, Finance Managers, Accountants, Auditors, Financial Analysts and Academics.