Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Kelaniya University holds ICARE accounting confab

 The Department of Accountancy (DoA) of the Kelaniya University's Commerce and Management Studies Faculty will host the second International Conference for Accounting Researchers and Educators (ICARE) under the theme of “Accounting, Governance and Corporate Sustainability”, today at the Commerce and Management Studies Faculty auditorium in Kelaniya.

Accounting and Governance have become voluble topics in the world of work due to globalisation, competition, complexity of transactions, technological advancements and occurrence of business collapses.

Global corporate financial scandals, often cited Enron and World Com cases in the last decade and collapse of Pramuka Bank and Golden Key in Sri Lanka are the wake-up calls to the accounting profession. The necessity of governance and accountability is further intensified by the formation of Financial Crime Investigation Division (FCID) and tightening of the governance regulations in the recent past,

The Report to the Nations by Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, there are different kinds of frauds, most of which is either not uncovered or not reported to the authorities resulting typical organization loses 5% of its revenues to frauds each year. Therefore, it is high time to draw a serious attention on Accounting and Governance as a solution of preventing and detecting uncovered losses which attempts for great heights of corporate sustainability. Further, vibrant new knowledge has a clear potential to make significant contribution to the quality of higher education arena.

Therefore, universities have an obligation to make the research-teaching nexus as strong as possible to disseminate knowledge among stakeholders. ICARE provides a platform to both academia and practitioners to share their knowledge and experience to broaden the horizons of accounting discipline.

Sri Lanka is at a critical point in the development as it moves into the middle income country category. The transition to a more sustainable growth is one of the key challenges. The resource efficient green growth path is shown as a “tunnel” that will help developing countries leapfrog towards sustainable development.

Thus, the ICARE magazine brings optimal output consisting contemporary topics relating to the theme of “Accounting, Governance and Corporate Sustainability” representing practical overviews from renowned professional institutes and audit firms.

“ICARE will comfort to all academics and professionals to rethink about its strategies to cater contemporary accounting atmosphere while opening new directions for accounting educators and researchers to enlighten the future of accounting discipline” Over the years the discipline of accounting has been developed by the immense contribution made by academia and professional organizations.

Theories in accounting has been originated from academia and validated by the profession and vice-versa. As pioneers of accounting academia, the department of accountancy, gives a facelift to accounting research conferences with ICARE, bringing together main three parties of the accounting discipline as students of accounting education, academics and professionals to bridge the gap of knowledge, theory and practice of accounting.

We believe that the ICARE will comfort to all academics and professionals to rethink about its strategies to cater contemporary accounting atmosphere while opening new directions for accounting educators and researchers to enlighten the future of accounting discipline with collective learning to explore opportunities for sustainable corporate development. In the context of lacuna of accounting researches, for the second International conference DoA received adequate number of papers representing local and foreign researchers. The selected full papers in different categories will publish in the online Journal of Accounting Researchers and Educators.

This will be a great avenue to all researchers to publish their research outputs to the world and to be recognised as renowned research scholars. 
