MS Island Sky one of the three flag ships and sister vessel to the MS Caledonian Sky and MS Hebridean Sky and one of the finest small ships in the world, made calls in Colombo and Galle ports recently.
The vessel calls were handled by Lanka Shipping and Logistics in alliance with J. M. Baxi & Co. India.
Lanka Shipping and Logistics Managing Director and CEO Preethilal Fernando said many services were provided during the vessel calls in Colombo and Galle by his team which includes passenger and crew changes, supply of provisions, ship spares delivery, Supply of Bunkers, Island Sky... From page i
Lube Oil and water, medical attention and passenger excursions’.
The alliance is expected toprovide world class ship agency services to all cruise ship owners calling Sri Lankan ports going forward in an effort to improve synergy of knowledge and shipping support.
It will call once again in Sri Lanka in March at Colombo, Galle, Hambanthota and Trincomalee before she sails to Chennai and other Ports in India.
There are 57 well-designed suites that feature a sitting room area and some have private balconies. The passenger accommodation is arranged over five decks and all suites have outside views.