Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Handicraft exhibition on December 16

A handicrafts exhibition with wide range of crafts will open on December 16 at the Nugasevana BMICH Complex sponsored by Hands of Sri Lanka - National arts and Crafts Foundation and presented by Sampath Crafts organization.

The show will be open at 10am on the 16th by five veteran artistes Prof. Sangeeth Nipun Sanath Nandasiri, Prof. Sunil Ariyarathne, Ravindra Randeniya, Visharada Nanda Malani and Swarna Mallawaarachchi.

Consumers can purchase craft at very high competitive prices from the manufactures at this show. There will be many craft items at the market from batiks, silver jewellery, pottery, beeralu lace, mask, handloom, Rush and Reed, wooden items and packed food.


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