Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Treinetic secures two awards at e-Swabhimani Awards 2020

Right to left Imal Perera,CEO, Treinetic (Pvt) Ltd and Gihan Wijesinghe, Director,Treinetic (Pvt) Ltd

Displaying signs of a promising future, Treinetic (Pvt) Ltd, an innovative software product engineering company, won two awards at the e-Swabhimani 2020 organized by the Information & Communication Technology Agency of Sri Lanka.

Each year ICTA organizes this prestigious awards ceremony to recognize excellence in digital application creation that would serve society’s needs.The company secured two merit awards; one for their own product, “Examiner” for the Learning & Education category, and the other is for another product known as “Poth” for the Digital Entertainment category. Imal Perera, CEO, and Gihan Wijesinghe, Director, received the awards on behalf of the company. Examiner is a mobile application that is specifically designed to uplift the knowledge of A/L and O/L students. It was so popular that more than 10,000 students joined with Examiner during last year’s Covid-19 pandemic to prepare themselves better for the examinations.

“We all know with the pandemic large number of corporates went digital, by doing that most of them reduced their losses and some made large profits, with our technical expertise 100 years old, yet innovative publication giant M.D Gunaseana found a new venue in the publishing industry with their product “Gurulugomi”. what I believe is that only the companies with a good digital strategy will survive in the coming years, so I invite all of the corporates to join hands with us and let us empower your organization with technology.” Imal Perera, CEO of Treinetic said. Treinetic (www.treinetic.com) is an award-winning software product engineering company serving both local and foreign clients since 2014.

They await new opportunities to contribute to the market and society.


