With the intention of disseminating knowledge on sustainable development for the betterment of the society, a seminar on “Sustainable development through Chemical Sciences” will be conducted by the Institute of Chemistry Ceylon via Zoom.
This event will be held on the of June 28, 2021 from 9.00 am to 4.00 pm, in celebration of the Institute’s Golden Jubilee.
The program hopes to cover topics such as the “Humankind Faces a Bright Future, and so Chemistry” in the keynote address by Prof. Ehud Keinan, “The Role of Geochemistry and Mineral Chemistry in Sustainable Development” by Dr. Bernard Prame, “Natural Products – A Sustainable Source of Therapeutics and Nutraceuticals” by Prof. Iqbal Choudhary, “Sustainable Development through Application of Scientific Research Output” by Prof. Gamini Rajapaksha, “Sustainable Technologies for Clean Water in Developing Countries” by Prof. Dinesh Mohan and “Closing the Nutrient Loop: Phosphorus Management in Protein Farming” by Prof. Nanthi Bolan. The webinar will be moderated by two Graduate Teaching Assistants serving the College of Chemical Sciences, Janangi Liyanage and Ms. Nishmitha Ramaraj
Sustainable Development is defined as the “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” The term “needs” imply beyond just material needs and it includes relationships, values, freedom to think, participate, and act, all amounting to sustainable living, morally, as well as spiritually. Sustainable development indicates that growth must be both inclusive and environmentally benign. The Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) cover a wide range of social and economic development issues. Science allows us to continuously gain and revise our knowledge, based on peer-reviewed evidence. The critical thinking that comes with science education is vital in training the mind, understanding the world, and making sustainable choices. Building a sustainable world requires interdisciplinary cooperation on the basis of disciplinary excellence. Chemistry plays an essential role in helping society achieve the SDGs.
Participants can register to this webinar by visiting the IChemC website (ichemc.edu.lk) and more information can also be obtained by contacting the Institute or by sending an email to themeseminar2021@gmail.com.