Monday, May 17, 2021

JASTECA-JIM promotes ‘Management Clinic’ through ‘EXPERT TALKS’

JASTECA Institute of Management (JIM), the training arm of Japan Sri Lanka Technical and Cultural Association (JASTECA) will be promoting the concept of “MANAGEMENT CLINIC” through its newly introduced series of public seminars - “EXPERT TALKS”.

After completing series of highly successful public seminars free of charge through on-line platforms, despite of challenges during the COVID 19 pandemic, JASTECA - JIM launched new public seminar series with the tag-line of ‘EXPERT TALKS’. Understanding the current need of knowledge sharing as a key pillar in knowledge management cycle and focusing on the vision on developing knowledge driven culture in the country, in order to gain the competitive advantage over rising competition, the series of learning sessions was launched by JASTECA/ JIM, with the tag-line of EXPERT TALKS. This is another significant milestone in our learning and development journey in JASTECA/ JIM.

This is a series of guest speeches/ lectures, conducted once in every fortnight and it is about 1 – 1.5 hour per session with Q & A. We have already lined-up sessions for coming months and invited global and Sri Lankan expertise resource persons to conduct the sessions via on-line due to the current pandemic situation in the country. They will speak to the audience, timely needed topics on various subjects and disciplines, including best of the best of Japanese Management Techniques, which we believe will definitely add value to the work-life our valuable audience as well as their organizations.

The resource person for the 1st session was Isao Yoshino, one of the eminent leader who has over 4 decades of experience in world’s best auto-mobile manufacturer, TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION, JAPAN and one of the most respected leader who has achieved success in his life being a lifetime of continuous learner, who deliver the speech on the topic of LEARNING TO LEAD : LEADING TO LEARN.

The second session was conducted by Toshiko Kawanami, one of the eminent leader and trainer in Japan on senior leadership development, and she has worked for over 4 decades with a variety of global companies in Japan and many other countries. Both two sessions was extremely a successful on-line learning sessions with greater success rate on participants.

By the concept of ‘MANAGEMENT CLINIC’ our core objectives are to address the exact issues and problems associated with the companies/ organizations during this crisis period and also to provide platform to obtain specialist advises from the experts concern on the relevant areas such as financial management, HR & IR, marketing, technology, productivity issues as well as to deliver solutions for the issues relevant to entrepreneurs. Based on the questions/comments/ issues received by our valuable participants from various industries and organizations, the composition of expert panel will change.

The first MANAGEMENT CLINIC will be on May 25, by 14.00-16.00 Hrs on the topic of ‘ENHANCEMENT TO TRANSFORMATION – Driving Management Applications towards excellent results”. The session lead for the first Management Clinic is Dr. Samantha Rathnayake – Faculty Member and Management Consultant - Post Graduate Institute of Management (PIM), University of Sri Jayewardenepura. Expert panel consist of Sunil Wijesinghe- Past President National Chamber of Commerce, Sri Lanka, Past Chairman of EFC, Past President and Trustee of JASTECA, Mahinda Saranapala – Director/ CEO of Kelani Cabels PLC, Past President and Trustee of JASTECA, Advisor for SLAAQP, Dr. Sarath Buddhadasa – Director of Industrial Development Board, CEO of Business Consultancy Services Ltd and Tyrell Roche – General Manager – Finance of Lanka Walltiles PLC and Japan Sri Lanka Technical and Cultural Association (JASTECA) was established in 1984 as an Alumni of the Association for Overseas Technical Corporation and Sustainable Partnership (AOTS), Japan, and at the moment ranked as one of the best performing AOTS alumni association.

JASTECA Institute of Management (JIM) has been always supporting institutions and companies and also their valuable employees to stay up-to-date and succeed while transforming challenges in to opportunities in volatile business world during time of crisis. Further information about JASTECA or its seminars can be obtained from the JASTECA office on email via


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