The total number of international tourist arrivals to Sri Lanka during February 2021 was 3,366. Sri Lanka reopened its borders on January 21, 2021, following a 10-month pandemic-induced closure since March 18, 2020.
In comparison to February last year (2020), there was a decline of 98.4% when the arrivals were 207,507. As at February 28, 2021, 5,048 tourists have visited Sri Lanka for this year. It is a decline of 98.8% over last year when 435,941 tourists had visited the country during the same period. The figures reflect the unprecedented health, social and economic crisis caused by the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The largest source markets recorded for the month of February was Kazakhstan, followed by the Ukraine, and Germany, According to Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority- Monthly Tourist Arrivals Report.
Europe became the largest source of tourist traffic to Sri Lanka with 85.7 % of the total traffic received in February 2021. Asia and Pacific accounted for 8.9% of the total traffic while Americas accounted for 4.7%. In comparison to February last year all regions have recorded a decline in arrivals. It is noteworthy that arrivals from Kazakhstan have recorded an increase of 82.9% in comparison to February 2020.
Further, sub region wise, the lowest percentage change of 94.4% had been recorded from Central and Eastern Europe.
Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Germany, Russian Federation and China, were Sri Lanka’s top five international tourist generating markets in the month of February this year. Kazakhstan was the largest source of tourist traffic to Sri Lanka with 36.6 % of the total traffic received in the above period.
Ukraine accounted for 25.1% of the total traffic; while Germany, Russian Federation and China accounted for 7.3% and 3.5% (both) respectively. The increased tourist arrivals from the Central and Eastern European countries could be partly owing to the pilot project carried out from December 28, 2020 by the Government.
This has resulted in Kazakhstan and Ukraine moving into the top positions of the main source markets.
Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Germany, China and Russian Federation were Sri Lanka’s top five international tourist generating markets from January to February this year.
Ukraine was the largest source of tourist traffic to Sri Lanka with 51% of the total traffic received from January to February 2021. Kazakhstan accounted for 28% of the total traffic; while Germany, China & Russian Federation accounted for 6%, 3% (both) respectively.