It was a poignant moment for the Postgraduate Institute of Management (PIM) when it initiated the Prof. Sisira Jayakody Memorial Research Centre, recently. It was an appropriate gesture of appreciation of a scholar whose life-ambition was to elevate research activities and promote high quality scholarly works. It was the late Prof. Sisira Jayakody who elevated the PIM’s research activities to a well-knit unit of activities that provided the much-desired impetus and inputs for the Institute to be on a par with all recognized research centres.
During the 5 years of his stewardship as Head of the PIM’s Research Centre he had a strong vision to create the most sought-after doctoral programme in Sri Lanka, which he tirelessly pursued to achieve through the PIM. He firmly believed that without research, a relevant and modern curriculum does not exist. Consequently, the PIM’s research activities have now been recognized as of high standard, as many a student who were involved in the Institute’s research activities have gained recognition in internationally reputed seats of learning. He was a leading scholar in management research in recent times who raised the bar of scholarly work with international accolades.
His research articles that were carried in reputed international research journals stand as monuments for his commitment to engage in research activities. Further evidence of his firm commitment to elevate research as a management discipline is the contributions, he made to the Sri Lankan Journal of Management (SLJM), PIM’s flagship journal, and his serving as member of the journal’s Editorial Board.