Sujeewa Rajapakse, Chairman of Peoples’ Bank addresses the gathering, while Dr. Trevor Mendis, Head of Academic Affairs, PIM, Prof. Ajantha Dharmasiri, Director PIM, Dr. Nilakshi Galahitiyawa, Head, Research Centre, PIM, and Denzil Perera, President, PIM Alumni, at the head table
The Postgraduate Institute of Management (PIM) conducted its virtual inauguration of the newest MBA batch of 390 learning managers recently.
It was heartening to note that despite COVID19 challenges, the overwhelming response with a larger number of applications compared to the previous year resulting in selecting a significantly higher number of candidates. Peoples Bank Chairman Sujeewa Rajapakse, who was the keynote speaker recalled his transformation through the PIM MBA. He shared how he gained confidence and competence in handling complex business matters thanks to the MBA experience. He highlighted the need to develop leadership and complemented that the PIM has become the breeding institute of high caliber leaders. He also challenged the aspiring MBAs to be thorough with analytical skills on one side and innovative ideas on the other side.
Prof. Ajantha Dharmasiri highlighted the need to change for better in a changing world where VUCA 1.0 (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity) should be successfully tackled by VUCA 2.0 (vision, understanding, confidence and agility). He appreciated the dedicated faculty and the supportive admin and IT systems in place to ensure a globally recognized and locally relevant, high quality learning experience at PIM.
PIM Head of Academic Affairs Dr Trevor Mendis, delivered the welcome address, while Nadee Kahatapitiya, Director, KIK Lanka shared her experience in “Being brilliant as a PIM MBA”. Densil Perera, the President of PIM Alumni spoke of the power of networking among the MBA community with a view of contributing to corporate progress and national prosperity. Dr. Nilakshi Galahitiyawa, Head of Research Centre, PIM delivered the vote of thanks whilst Tharindu Amaresekare, Senior Lecturer, PIM, did the compering. Jayantha Ranapura, Senior Assistant Registrar, PIM played a pivotal role in coordinating the whole event.