A comprehensive one-hour web event organized by Hospitality Consulting Group C9 HotelWorks and Delivering Asia Communications titled, “Sri Lanka – Reimagining the Tourism Journey Ahead” will be held today (11) at 1:00 pm (Sri Lanka Time).
This special event is expected to draw strong participation in across Sri Lanka’s travel and tourism industry, but is also attracting keen interest from Asia’s broader hotel, aviation and hospitality investment sectors.
An impressive line-up of speakers includes Kimarli Fernando, Chairperson of Sri Lanka Tourism, Sri Lankan Airlines Chairman Ashok Pathirage, investment banker and entrepreneur ThilanWijesinghe and Cinnamon Hotels and Resorts Head of Brand Marketing and CEO of Cinnamon Life Mall Dileep Mudadeniya.
Topics will include:Airlift: will travel bubbles create a stated recovery of flights and from what markets? Hotels: how are hotel owners and operators addressing the crisis and beyond? Financial Institutions: debt, loans and defaults, how is the travel sector coping? Government: what incentives are available for tourism businesses to stimulate growth? Non-Traditional Accommodation: is Sri Lanka’s considerable set of villas and private accommodation best suited for post-crisis travel? And China: what is the sentiment towards travel to Sri Lanka in this important segment?
A key special segment of the event will be the findings of a newly completed travel sentiment survey of prospective Chinese travelers to Sri Lanka in first tier cities in Mainland China, undertaken by C9 Hotelworks and Delivering Asia Communications. Summarizing the findings, nearly 50% of respondents are looking to travel overseas in either late this year or early in 2021, with seventy-seven percent saying they’d like to visit Sri Lanka.
As Sri Lanka looks to return to the international stage there will be an open discussion of both the challenges and opportunities in the second half of 2020. To sign up for the “Sri Lanka – Reimagining the Tourism Journey Ahead” Virtual Conference, visit https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_lcICMuFGTSaAn2YPNN7PmA