Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Standard Chartered wins big at BCC Awards 2019

 Bingumal Thewarathanthri, CEO, Tamani Dias, Executive Director, Head of Commercial Banking (sixth from left); Ransi Dharmasiriwardhana, Head of HR (third from left); Pirathapan Jeyabalasingam, Head of Internal Audit (first from left); and the rest of the winners from the Standard Chartered Sri Lanka team.

Standard Chartered Sri Lanka won the Awards for Women Empowerment and Best Sustainability Project and was also adjudged 1st Runner up (Category B) at the Best Corporate Citizen Sustainability Awards 2019, hosted by the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce in celebration of the commitment for sustainability by Sri Lankan corporates. The Bank also won the Certificate of Merit for its ‘Financial Education’ project.

Chief Executive Officer Bingumal Thewarathanthri said; “In line with our purpose, we at Standard Chartered are committed to upholding our sustainability philosophy of promoting economic and social development in the communities we operate, and doing so sustainably and equitably. We are delighted to receive the recognition as the corporate that is most committed towards the empowerment of women and girls with our ‘Goal’ programme, and for our financial education programme for plantation workers, one of the most vulnerable communities in Sri Lanka.”

The big winner of the night for Standard Chartered was its ‘Goal’ programme, which combines sports with life-skills training to empower and uplift adolescent girls from low-income urban families with the confidence, knowledge and skills they need to be integral economic leaders in their families and communities.

The ongoing ‘Financial Education’ project by Standard Chartered is a financial education and entrepreneurship programme designed to build the capabilities of plantation women and youth to enhance their financial management and related skills, thereby enabling them to embark on entrepreneurial ventures and have greater control over household income and decision making.


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