With India’s economy booming, other South Asian countries have begun to follow, and now, Sri Lanka is on the verge of taking that quantum leap in economic development, ” said President of China Harbour Engineering Corporation (CHEC), parent company of CHEC Port City Colombo, Tang Qiaoliang.
He was speaking at the ceremony to mark the project’s entry into the second phase of construction, at the newly constructed sales gallery, on the reclaimed land, Port City Colombo where a commemorative stamp and a first day cover was also issued.
“The timing of the launch of Port City is significant because this is the era of development for South Asia. Asia as a whole has been developing in waves, from the end of the Second World War to the present day, and this is the final stage.” The new city is positioned not only as an immense draw for Colombo’s Central Business District but also as a catalyst for investment in Sri Lanka.
The President of CHEC pointed towards the sustainable development process the project has gone through and the inclusive practices it had employed.
“Whilst Chinese experts were a part of the construction, engineering and modeling process, we also engaged the best expertise from around the world. Some of these experts were involved in the design of the city while others were more specifically involved in engineering and construction aspects. So with all these international experts working together, it has been an international city from the very inception.”
On the sustainability side for example, water systems will be designed on the principles of conservation and efficiency. Rainwater will be reused to cater for the demand of flushing and irrigation/gardening within the plot to minimize the use of potable water.
Tang further stressed on the global connectivity and local essence intrinsic to the project, which he said comes from it being a part of China’s Belt and Road Initiative. He said that the new city needed to be looked at as an opportunity, because it not just connects Sri Lanka to China, but connects the island to the entire world.
While many would see it as globalization, the president of CHEC says the project was a true example of glocalization, where it thinks local, and acts global.
“Every Sri Lankan must know that even though we are marketing this as an international city it is first and foremost, a Sri Lankan city.”