Monday, December 16, 2019

PIM concludes annual research conference

Prof. Ajantha Dharmasiri, Director PIM addressing the gathering whilst Dr. Gayan Jayakody, Prof. Jim Rooney, Dr. Dushni Weerakoon, Dr. Nilakshi Galahitiyawa and Dr. Trevor Mendis at the head table.

It was another feat for the Nation’s Management Mentor, when the Postgraduate Institute of Management (PIM) launched its annual research conference (PIMARC) combining the previous Annual Student Research Day and Annual Doctoral Colloquium event.

Prof. Jim Rooney of the University of New South Wales, Canberra, delivered the keynote address, whilst Dr. Dushni Weerakoon, the Executive Director, IPS was the guest of honour. Prof. Ajantha Dharmasiri, Director, PIM addressing the gathering thanked the research centre including Dr. Nilakshi Galahitiyawa (Conference Chair), Dr. A.K.L. Jayawardena and Prof. J.A.S. K. Jayakody for organizing such an event. An added feature of the PIMARC 2019 was the very first Industry Dialogue in the country based on three research papers that were presented and deliberated on the key managerial implications.

The broad agenda of the conference consisted of five different components, including a three minute competition of doctoral research proposals, invited research papers of completed doctoral studies, selected research papers of completed masters’ students of the Institute, a doctoral colloquium and the inaugural industry dialogue. Twenty research papers were presented with high relevance and significance to both academia and practitioners’ with far reaching discussions.



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