Dipra Engineers Pvt Ltd reached a milestone as the company celebrates 20 years being the leading and dedicated manufacturers of Material Hoists, a system that vertically transport Goods for many industries. I
n an era of high development and innovations, Dipra has achieved two decades of steady growth and diversified into many sectors in the business, contributing to the development of the country.
Dipra identified a need to provide a system which helps local businesses in transporting their goods vertically at a cost effective yet user friendly way.
With that need, Dipra came up with the concept of “Material Hoist” that has won over many industries. This was the company’s motivation and founding spirit with its original inception in 1999, and remains the same today; to provide quality products, good service and to ensure customer satisfaction.
Dipra has extended its business from Material Hoist to Passenger/ Home /Cargo Elevators, Car Parking Systems, Construction Equipment’s, full range of manual and electric Hoist/Winches, all types of Cranes, ranges of Steam Boilers, Steam and Air engineering.
Managing Director, Dipra Engineers (Pvt) Ltd, Dinesh Dhammika Anton, said that the company has expanded to the global market by taking over projects in Maldives, Bangladesh, India, and Ethiopia. Dipra has over 1,500 different equipment’s and machinery installed in Sri Lanka”.
“The company’s main objective is to maintain after sales services in a higher quality in order to keep the machinery with uninterrupted operations”.
“Dipra began operations in 1999 with a 10 member team with a belief of listening to the market, delivering a quality product and providing customer service to contribute to the country’s economy. Our founding beliefs remain our top importance today and I believe because of that - our company remains viable, strong and growing.”
“We’ve survived troubling market cycles, unimaginable effects, and bulk of legislative change and control. Thanks to our leadership team and devoted employees, we’ve been able to grow and thrive.”
“I’m proud to say that our business is solid and that we are looking forward to the next 20 years. We also thank thousands of valued our customers, most supportive foreign and local suppliers who stood beside us throughout the years having faith in Dipra from the very beginning to date. Dipra still want to provide better and quality products and services, and with our experience, take our customers there.”