The 19th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Council for Business with Britain (CBB), was conducted at Westminster House recently. The office bearers include Vice President - Roshanie Jayasundera Moraes, Executive Vice President, John Keells Holdings Plc; Vice President - Carl Cruz, Chairman, Unilever Sri Lanka; Treasurer: Tania Polonnowita Wettimuny, Group Managing Director, Inter Air and Sea Logistics (Pvt) Ltd.
The CBB’s committee members are as follows: Aitken Spence Travels (Pvt) Ltd, Vice President, Prasanjit Perera, Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC, Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer, Sivakrishnarajah Renganathan, Etihad Airways, General Manager, R Dougie Douglas, Finlays Colombo Limited, Deputy Chairman/Country Head, Gihan Jayasinghe, Hayleys PLC, Director, Sarath Ganegoda, Hilton Colombo Residences, General Manager, Linda Giebing, Hirdaramani (Industries) Ltd., Director, Nikhil Hirdaramani, MAS Holdings (Pvt) Ltd, Chief Operating Officer, Shirendra Lawrence, Norfolk Foods (Pvt) Ltd, Director, Ameena M Ziauddin, Oceanpick (Pvt) Ltd, Managing Director Irfan Thassim and Cherryl Rodrigo, Assistant Secretary-General will represent the Secretariat of the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce.