CIPM Sri Lanka immediate Past President Prof. Ajantha Dharmasiri’s speech on “Aging population and its impact on the organization” which he delivered at the Executive Forum organized by the Fiji Institute of Human Resources on March 15, was well received with accolades from the participants.
The Executive Forum was held in conjunction with the Asia Pacific Federation of Human Resource Management (APFHRM) meeting held in Nadi, Republic of Fiji. CIPM Sri Lanka President-Dhammika Fernando, who is the Vice President of the APFHRM, was also present at the event.
“An aging population can make a significant impact on an organization and its plans. This is an inescapable fact and needs to be taken into consideration when organizations embark on their strategic planning initiatives. All areas of an organization will potentially be impacted in the time to come if HR alternatives and decisions are not made in a timely manner in facing the phenomenon of aging population” said Prof. Dharmasiri.
Prof. Ajantha’s well researched speech focused on demographics and statistics of an aging population and the changing dynamics which impacts organizations as well as the environmental and economic aspects of this phenomenon.
Prof. Ajantha has been invited to address the members of the Organization of Professional Associations (OPA) at the OPA Auditorium on April 25, on the topic of “Aging population and its impact on the organization”.
CIPM is affiliated to the Asia Pacific Federation of Human Resource Management (APFHRM) and to the World Federation of People Management Associations (WFPMA).