Tuesday, February 5, 2019

ATM Skimming Incident: Banks assures public that the situation is under control

Member Banks have received complaints from some customers that their savings/current accounts have been debited through fraudulent ATM withdrawals, resulting in some card data been compromised through ATM skimming activities, where cloned cards have been created to make fraudulent withdrawals. No sooner had the complaints been received, member Banks had taken prompt action to attend to complaints received and credit accounts had been under verification.

In addition, Banks have proactively contacted the customers whose cards had been used at identified ATM locations, where the skimming had taken place.

We wish to confirm that all member Banks have taken steps to bring the situation under control no sooner the compromised details have been identified, while all Banks are working collectively with relevant authorities to bring in the fraudsters to justice.

We also wish to inform the general public that the ATM networks and the cards are safe for transacting. We urge the general public to inform their respective banks immediately in the event that any authorized/suspicious transactions are noticed on their account. The public is also advised to subscribe for SMS transactions alert facility through their respective Banks.

Payment Card Industry Association of Sri Lanka and The Sri Lanka Banks’ Association (Guarantee) Ltd.
