Monday, November 5, 2018

Rainco launches range of umbrellas

Rainco Guru Panduru Umbrella Collection 2018

Recognising educators who inspire, challenge, and empower students, Rainco (Pvt) Ltd, the market leading umbrella manufacturer, launched a new and attractive collection of umbrellas honouring all teachers recently.

With unparalleled attention to detail, the new range features a three-fold umbrella with high-quality fabric creating the perfect accessory for all types of weather.

The uniquely designed umbrella is available in five eye-catching shades of Dark Purple, Light Purple, Pink, Sky Blue and Turquoise Blue.

Rainco admires the passion and commitment of teachers nationwide in helping young minds grow and unleash the power of creativity. Thus, fusing traditional techniques and modern technology, the design of Rainco’s new umbrella has been inspired by a Flower.

Through the launch of this special umbrella collection, Rainco seeks to echo the important sentiment of showcasing teachers who play a vital role in moulding, grooming and building individuals, inspiring them to succeed and serve society.

Rainco understands that for most teachers, an umbrella is a necessary accessory. Thereby an umbrella resonating with a flower is a fitting tribute to this special segment that deserves unfaltering recognition and appreciation for their continuous dedication and commitment.

Additionally, the umbrella is also a unique initiative to celebrate and thank teachers across the country for their commitment to students, learning and creativity,

Commenting on the new umbrella launch, Ahmed Aroos, Chief Operating Officer, Rainco (Pvt) Ltd said, “At Rainco, we are conscious of our purpose of enriching lives and supporting local communities through a core value of goodness. Through spreading goodness we also want to produce good citizens for our country. At Rainco, we admire the passion and commitment of our nation’s teachers and this unique umbrella helps us recognise and acknowledge the importance of the role they play and the service they render to society.”

Conscious of its purpose, Rainco have collaborated with the Ministry of Education towards the unique ‘Guru Prathibha Prabha program’ which felicitates teachers and principals across the island for their invaluable contribution in empowering students

For the second consecutive year, Rainco sponsored the national ‘Guru Prathibha Prabha’ 2018 ceremony which showcased award-winning teachers and principals who have demonstrated innovation in their work and had added value to their schools.

During this year’s event held at the BMICH recently, 380 Principals and Teachers were formally recognised through pre-determined criteria and felicitated for their continued personal commitment towards achieving outstanding results in their schools through various initiatives.

“At this year’s awards ceremony we saw some exceptional service to the country and some initiatives where some school teachers and principals have gone beyond their normal duties through various activities that contribute to making the students good citizens,” Aroos said. 


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