Australian National Chemistry Quiz Competition 2018 organized by the Institute of Chemistry, Ceylon (ICC) was held recently throughout the island and 3289 O/L students and 2549 A/L students sat the examination.
The results of the examination were released by the Royal Australian Chemical Institute recently and five (A/L) students in the senior division answered all 30 questions correctly.
The students are, Umar Jiffry, (Royal Institute International School), Anisha Tharsikan Sivathasan, (Jaffna Hindu College), Jude Joachimson, (Chundikuli Girls’ College, Jaffna), Keshin Karunarathne, (Gateway College, Kurana, Katunayake) and Ravindu Sanwara, (Ananda College, Colombo 10).
The certificates and label pins will be awarded to the students at the award ceremony to be held in January 2019, said Overall Coordinator, N. I. N. S. Nadarasa.