A three member Women in Logistics and Transport (WiLAT) Sri Lanka delegation attended the WiLAT International Convention, which was held recently as part of the CILT International Convention at the DoubleTree Hilton hotel in Wroclaw, Poland.
This year’s convention saw over 100 WiLAT participants attending the convention from Australia, Hong Kong, Nigeria, Zambia, Ghana, Malaysia, UK, Kazakhstan, Egypt and Sri Lanka.
Out of the ten member CILT Sri Lanka delegation, the three member WiLAT Sri Lanka delegation representing Sri Lanka were Gayani De Alwis, Chairperson CILT Sri Lanka and Founding Chairperson WiLAT Sri Lanka, Dhashma Karunaratne, Chairperson WiLAT Sri Lanka, and Gayathri Karunanayake, Vice Chairperson WiLAT Sri Lanka.
WiLAT convention started with Global Convener, Aisha Ali Ibrahim welcoming the gathering and thanking the global family for their untiring efforts to create gender party in the industry, which is male dominant.
WiLAT Global Advisor, Dr. Dorothy Chan highlighted the strides that WiLAT has made in expanding its global foot print by increasing the coverage to 20 out of the 34 CILT countries, with the latest addition being Australia.
Dr. Henryka Bochniarz, President of Confederation of Lewiatan, Barbara Kaśnikowska, General Manager at Wroclaw Aircraft Maintenance Services, Prof. Danuta Moroń, University of Economics in Katowice, Poland delivered the session keynote speeches.
Founding Chairperson WiLAT Sri Lanka, Gayani De Alwis showcased UN Women HeForSheprogramme of Sri Lanka for global roll out at the convention. WiLAT operational guide developed by WiLAT Sri Lanka was adopted with modifications for global WiLAT Governance.
New appointments were made in line with the newly formed structure. Gayani De Alwis, founding Chairperson WiLAT Sri Lanka was appointed as the Vice Chairperson WiLAT South Asia.
Next year’s WiLAT convention will be held in Manchester, UK from June 16 – 18, 2019 when CILT celebrates its centenary year.