Sunday, July 15, 2018

Tourism Skills Strategy and Action Plan for Ampara district launched

The Tourism Skills Strategy and Action Plan (SSAP) for the Ampara District was prepared by the Australian funded project, Skills for Inclusive Growth Program and was launched recently at Monty Hotel, Ampara.

Ampara District Secretary Thusitha P. Vanigasinghe who was the Chief Guest at the event said, “Ampara has a lot more untapped potential and this report was well prepared to address the constraints of demand and supply in the market. There is a lot of supply and demand mismatches facing the Ampara dstrict and this action plan would help to find solutions for it.”

The SSAP will also take in to account the quality of skills available in the area and try to match them with the regional labour market demands and expectations. A total of 14 action programmes have been identified to elevate the tourism industry in Ampara district towards a middle-skilled equilibrium stage by 2020.

