Thursday, July 5, 2018

Janashakthi and partner to spread benefits of wellness

Janashakthi and officials at the event

Revolutionizing Insurance consumption, Janashakthi Life is partnering with to provide their corporate policyholders with the renowned benefits of wellness.

Understanding that preventative measures yield better healthcare results over the long term, Janashakthi Insurance has made this revolutionary service available to their corporate policyholders, ensuring that companies are able to remain competitive in the modern marketplace through increased employee productivity and engagement.

The app, which is available on both iOS and Android, functions as a wellness partner that helps users make informed decisions about their health and fitness. Users will have access to doctor consultations via call or video, fitness tracking, medical report management, medication delivery, a health marketplace, wellness activations, daily health tips, and much more. There is also a social feature that allows users to form communities where they can view, interact and comment on featured content and achievements of friends and family. With this partnership, Janashakthi Life is helping promote healthy lifestyle choices amongst its customers that will ultimately reduce the overall healthcare burden on individuals and society as a whole.

“This partnership signifies Janashakthi’s continued innovation in the Life Insurance industry,” said Jude Fernando, Director and Chief Executive Officer of Janashakthi Insurance PLC.

“With this bold new offering Janashakthi Life is moving away from the traditional Insurance proposition of providing curative healthcare products, and charting new territory by committing to support our customers in the wellness space.”

Chief Operating Officer for Dr Chamila Ariyananda said, “This is a partnership born from a shared vision for the country’s future wellbeing. Together we will disrupt the traditional way corporates think of wellness and insurance which makes no provisions for the prevention of an illness or for the individual falling in to a diagnosed or high-risk condition.” To further promote wellness amongst Sri Lankans, Janashakthi and will encourage users to participate in a virtual walkathon on July 18, 2018. Users will be encouraged to walk 40,000 steps through 18 curves over a period of seven days while also receiving information on the seven aspects of wellness. has previously held virtual walkathons that allowed users to virtually scale Mount Everest and hike the trail from Colombo to Kandy.


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